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Frequently Asked Questions 



"Mow high, Mow often". Mowing low promotes crabgrass and broadleaf weeds to grow as well as heats up the soil to higher levels and increases evaporation of moisture. Mowing at 3-3.5" is ideal. This shades the soil, making it difficult for weeds and crabgrass to get sunlight (think of a forest), reduces soil temperature and evaporation. 



Turfgrass requires 1-1.5" of water per week for healthy growth. You can survive a long time without food but only a few days without water. "When's the best time to water?" is probably the most debated topic in lawncare. Early morning allows water to be taken up by the plant and be ready for the heat of the day. I've been asked when would I rather have a drink - morning when it's the coolest, the hottest time of the day or evening? Evening watering can promote diseases due to the extended time it's wet. Heat of the day watering requires more water because of evaporation. If it's dry, water when you can! I recommend mornings if possible.




"I have moles so I must have grubs". Moles are opportunistic feeders, which means they won't turn down a meal in front of them. They make their runs (horizontal and volcanic) in search of earthworms. They can spend their entire life feeding exclusively on earthworms. When it gets cold the earthworms go deep and the moles follow their food.

BEDBUGS are a topic that fills web sites. The worst thing you can do is type in "bedbugs" in your search engine because MOST OF THE INFORMATION WILL BE FALSE! The most important thing to know is that they should only be treated by a professional! Over-the-counter treatments are too low in active ingredient (due to no control over who can purchase them) to kill unless direct contact is made. OTC products are actually worse than doing nothing by promoting the spread of the insects and promoting reproduction, thus increasing the population​.

Female bedbugs will lay 1-5 eggs per day. If you start off with a mating pair, with a 50/50 male to female offspring rate you will end up with over 228,000 bedbugs in 6 months under ideal (70-90 degrees, available blood meal). An adult can live 90 days without feeding and a newly hatched one can live 30 days..NOT A YEAR. It takes a bedbug 2-3 days to process a blood meal. They go through 5 molts in their life and require blood meals for each to occur. Females additionally must have a blood meal prior to egg-laying.​

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23 Years Lawn Care Experience

21 Years Pest Control Experience
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Pest Control - Bedbug Expert

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Serving Howard, Cass, Miami, Grant, Clinton & Tipton Counties

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